Time Lapse

Buds started to appear on the tree in my backyard a week ago. I'm waiting for the flowers to open, a brief but joyful sight, so I can set up outside and paint them for what will be the third time. In the photo below, I'm at Stamford Hospital with the first painting.
Each day I look outside and think, surely today the tree will burst into bloom. It seems to be holding steady, poised to flower, reminding me of my own confinement. I feel suspended in time between the difficulties of sheltering in place and the good fortune not to be suffering as many are. 
The tree is on its own timeline. I'll watch it unfold, act when I can, and trust that when the time is right, our world will bloom again.

When I'm working in my studio, things often seem to take ages and  it can be hard to see what I've accomplished, but each time I check the clock I see it's only been a few hours and I have made actual progress. Time feels different now, and in the spirit of embracing that, I am sharing my first time lapse video: a quick sketch of a daffodil. Click on the arrow below to watch.

It took some google searching, lots of trial and error, hot glue, duct tape, and an intro to editing from my child for me to figure out and create a time lapse video using my phone. Have you tried something new while at home? Hit reply and let me know what it is!

All the best,